主语关系从句优先加工的非普遍性 英文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 孙晓霞著;倪传斌主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:世界图书北京出版公司
- ISBN:9787510077753
- 出版时间:2014
- 标注页数:185页
- 文件大小:60MB
- 文件页数:211页
- 主题词:汉语-句法-研究-英文
主语关系从句优先加工的非普遍性 英文PDF格式电子书版下载
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Chapter One:Introduction1
1.1 Motivation of the study1
1.1.1 The importance of studying relative clauses1
1.1.2 Universal processing preference and Current gaps2
1.2 Aims and research questions of the study4
1.3 Structure of the book5
Chapter Two:Typology of relative clauses7
2.1 Types of relative clauses8
2.1.1 External-headed RCs vs.Internal-headed RCs vs.Correlative RCs8
2.1.2 Postnominal/head-initial RCs vs.Prenominal/head-final RCs9
2.1.3 Subject-extracted RCs vs.Object-extracted RCs9
2.1.4 Subject-modifying RCs vs.Object-modifying RCs10
2.2 Word order type and RC type11
2.3 Typological characteristics of English relative clauses14
2.3.1 Restrictive vs.non-restrictive clauses in English14
2.3.2 Derivation of English RCs15
2.4 Typological characteristics of Chinese relative clauses16
2.4.1 Typological characteristics of Chinese16
2.4.2 The Uniqueness of Chinese RCs20
Chapter Three:Sentence Processing Model24
3.1 Universal subject preference24
3.1.1 Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy24
3.1.2 Experience/Frequency-based accounts25
3.2 Working memory accounts(Gibson,1998;2000)26
3.2.1 Storage Resources27
3.2.2 Integration Cost29
3.2.3 A brief comment:a bridge connecting structural theories and processing theories31
3.3 Structure-based theories33
3.3.1 Filler-Gap Domain(FGD)(Hawkins,1999;2004)34
3.3.2 Phrase-Structural Distance Hypothesis(O'Grady,1997)38
3.4 Word order theory40
3.4.1 Canonical word order vs.non-canonical word order40
3.4.2 Prediction about the English RC processing40
3.4.3 Prediction about Chinese RC processing41
3.5 Pragmatic functional perspective shift41
3.5.1 Subject as a default perspective of readers42
3.5.2 Prediction about English RC processing42
3.5.3 Prediction about Chinese RC processing43
3.6 An evaluation of predictions about English and Chinese RC processing45
Chapter Four:Previous studies and findings47
4.1 Processing relative clauses47
4.1.1 Basic observations47
4.1.2 Neurophysiological evidence48
4.1.3 Neuroanatomical evidence49
4.2 Consistent results of universality from English RC processing50
4.2.1 General remarks50
4.2.2 Eye-movement monitor51
4.2.3 Self-paced reading52
4.2.4 Event-related potential studies54
4.2.5 Brain imaging studies using fMRI and PET56
4.2.6 Lesion studies:Aphasia59
4.3 Mixed results from Chinese RC processing60
4.3.1 Self-paced reading60
4.3.2 A maze task—mixed restults72
4.3.3 Corpora study—supporting universal processing preference74
4.3.4 Event-related potential studies78
Chapter Five:An ERP experiment on Chinese RC Processing80
5.1 ERP methodology80
5.1.1 An overview of ERP80
5.1.2 Geodesic EEG System(GES)81
5.1.3 Software-relating ERP experiments83
5.1.4 ERP language-related components84
5.2 The ERP experiment design on Chinese relative clause processing93
5.2.1 Aims93
5.2.2 Participants93
5.2.3 Materials and task94
5.2.4 Design96
5.2.5 Procedure97
5.2.6 Electrophysiological recordings and preprocessing97
5.2.7 Data analysis98
5.3 Results101
5.3.1 Behavioral results101
5.3.2 Spatial Aspects of the ERP data101
5.3.3 Statistical results102
5.4 Discussions135
5.4.1 Testing prior results of processing asymmetry136
5.4.2 Involvement of topicalized sentences139
5.4.3 Minimal pair analysis142
5.4.4 Evaluation of sentence processing models145
5.5 Conclusions149
5.5.1 Non-applicability of universal subject preference to Chinese149
5.5.2 General phenomenon of object relatives preference in Chinese149
5.5.3 Non-existence of a universal processing model150
5.5.4 Other findings contributing to a comprehensive model150
Chapter Six:Concluding remarks153
6.1 General findings153
6.2 Significance of the study154
6.3 Limitations of the study155
6.4 Suggestions for future research156
Appendix:Experimental Materials175
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