
自动化专业英语教程 第3版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

自动化专业英语教程 第3版
  • 王宏文主编;李练兵,刘作军副主编;王萍等编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:机械工业出版社
  • ISBN:9787111510673
  • 出版时间:2015
  • 标注页数:290页
  • 文件大小:99MB
  • 文件页数:301页
  • 主题词:自动化-英语-高等学校-教材


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PART 1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Basics1


A Electrical Networks1

B Three-Phase Circuits4

C 专业英语(Specified English)概述7


A The Operational Amplifier9

B Transistors12

C 专业简介15

UNIT 317

A Logical Variables and Flip-Flop17

B Binary Number System20

C 专业英语的翻译标准24

UNIT 425

A Power Semiconductor Devices25

B Power Electronic Converters31

C 专业英语的词汇特点34

UNIT 536

A Types of DC Motors36

B Closed-Loop Control of DC Drivers40

C 理解与表达43

UNIT 645

A AC Machines45

B Induction Motor Drive49

C 长句的翻译53

UNIT 755

A Electric Power System55

B Power System Automation59

C 被动句的翻译64

PART 2 Control Theory66

UNIT 166

A The World of Control66

B The Transfer Function and the Laplace Transformation70

C 否定句的翻译73

UNIT 275

A Stability and the Time Response75

B Steady State80

C 名词的翻译83

UNIT 385

A The Root Locus85

B The Frequency Response Methods:Nyquist Diagrams89

C 动词的翻译94

UNIT 496

A The Frequency Response Methods:Bode Plots96

B Nonlinear Control System99

C 形容词的翻译104

UNIT 5106

A Introduction to Modern Control Theory106

B State Equations109

C 词性的转换112

UNIT 6114

A Controllability,Observability,and Stability114

B Optimum Control Systems117

C 语法成分的转换120

UNIT 7122

A Conventional and Intelligent Control122

B Artificial Neural Networks126

C 增词译法130

PART 3 Computer Control Technology132

UNIT 1132

A Computer Structure and Function132

B Fundamentals of Computers and Networks137

C 减词译法140

UNIT 2142

A Interfaces to External Signals and Devices142

B The Applications of Computers146

C 常用数学符号和公式的读法150

UNIT 3152

A PLC Overview152

B PACs for Industrial Control,the Future of Control156

C 科技论文的结构与写作160

UNIT 4162

A Fundamentals of Single-Chip Microcomputers162

B Understanding DSP and Its Uses165

C 论文的标题和摘要169

UNIT 5171

A A First Look at Embedded Systems171

B Embedded Systems Design174

C 电子邮件177

PART 4 Process Control179

UNIT 1179

A A Process Control System179

B Fundamentals of Process Control181

C 通知183

UNIT 2185

A Sensors and Transmitters185

B Final Control Elements and Controllers187

C 简历189

UNIT 3191

A P Controllers and PI Controllers191

B PID Controllers and Other Controllers194

C 面试198

UNIT 4200

A Indicating Instruments200

B Control Panels202

C 自动化专业信息检索205

PART 5 Control Based on Network and Information206

UNIT 1206

A Automation Networking Application Areas206

B Evolution of Control System Architecture211

C 国内自动化专业主要期刊215

UNIT 2217

A Fundamental Issues in Networked Control Systems217

B Stability of NCSs with Network-Induced Delay220

C 国外自动化专业主要期刊224

UNIT 3228

A Fundamentals of the Database System228

B Virtual Manufacturing—A Growing Trend in Automation231

C 自动化专业的科技前沿233

UNIT 4235

A Concepts of Computer Integrated Manufacturing235

B Enterprise Resources Planning and Beyond239

C 自动化专业的学术会议242

PART 6 Synthetic Applications of Automatic Technology245

UNIT 1245

A Scanning the Issue and Beyond:Toward ITS Knowledge245

B Automation or Interaction:What's Best for Big Data?251

C 说明书常用术语257

UNIT 2259

A Smart Grid Standards for Home and Building Automation259

B Cloud Computing for Industrial Automation Systems—A Comprehensive Overview264

C 合同与协议书常用术语和句型269

UNIT 3273

A Smart City and the Applications273

B Knowledge Management System Design Model for Smart Enterprises280

C 广告287

