Summer Institute on Set Theoretic Topology【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

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Hour Lectures5
SET THEORETIC TOPOLOGY-Present and future&G.T.Whyburn6
DEVELOPMENT of a theory for manifolds&R.L.Wilder7
Certain classical problems of euclidean topology&E.E.Moise15
Remarks on the applications of set theoretic topology to analysis analysis&Edwin Hewitt17
What topology is here to stay?&R.H.Bing25
Seminar on Generalized Manifolds28
Examples of generalized manifolds&M.L.Curtis28
Generalized manifolds with boundary&P.A.White29
Direct products of generalized manifolds with boundary&Thomas R.Brahana30
Mappings of manifolds&R.L.Wilder30
Deformations of generalized manifolds&M.L.Curtis32
Homotopy manifolds&M.L.Curtis34
Seminar on Topology of 3-space35
Historical background&R.L.Wilder35
Some aspects of knot theory&Alan Goldman36
Pathology in 3-space&O.G.Harrold,Jr.38
Decompositions of E3 into points and tame arcs&R.H.Bing40
Approximating surfaces with polyhedral ones&R.H.Bing47
Some consequences of the approximation theorem of Bing&O.G.Harrold,Jr53
Some other problems proposed in the 3-dimensional manifolds seminar56
Seminar on 3-Dimensional Manifolds57
Seminar on Semi-Metric Spaces58
Introductory remarks on semi-metric spaces&F.Burton Jones58
On semi-metric spaces&Louis F.McAuley58
Semi-metric spaces&Morton Brown62
Seminar on Structure of Continua Topology of the Place65
Structure of continua&G.T.Whyburn65
On homogeneity&F.Burton Jones66
Problems in the plane&F.Burton Jones68
The pseudo-arc&R.H.Bing70
Homogeneous continua&C.E.Burgess73
Collections of pseudo-arcs in the plane—Homogeneity of the universal curve&R.D.Anderson76
Problems on universal curves,pseudo-arcs and related topics&R.D.Anderson77
On decomposition of continua into aposyndetic continua&L.F.McAuley78
Reduction of open mappings&R.F.Williams80
Equicontinuity in continuous collections of continua&E.J.Dyer81
Continuous collection of continuous curves&Mary-Elizabeth Hamstrom82
Connectedness&Mary Ellen Rudin84
Flat spaces&J.Slye85
Seminar on Fixed Points87
The Cartwright Littlewood theorem&O.H.Hamilton87
The fixed point property on quasi-complexes&Eldon Dyer88
Fixed point sets under involutions in E3&Deane Montgomery89
Essential fixed points&M.X.Fort,Jr.90
Seminar on Transformations and Transformation Groups92
Report of the seminar&E.E.Floyd92
Homeomorphisms having an equicontinuous family of iterates&E.Hemmingsen96
The embedding of homeomorphisms in flows&M.K.Fort,Jr.97
Looal properties of open mappings&R.F.Williams98
Certain transformations which lower dimensions&Eldon Dyer99
Report on the monotone,light open,and monotone open mappings of manifolds and re-lated spaces&R.D.Anderson99
Local arc-wise connectivity in the space Hn of homeomorphisms of Sn onto itself&J.H.Roberts100
Seminar on Paracompact Spaces102
Report&Melvin Hendriksen102
A survey of paracompactness and related topics&E.Michael102
Supercomplete spaces&J.R.Isbell106
A Cech fundamental group&A.J.Goldman107
Seminar on Fibre Spaces110
Covering homotopy property&M.L.Curtis110
Homotopy equivalence of Fiber Bundles&M.L.Curtis111
Seminar on Function Spaces and Topological Algebra115
Harmonic functions in Banach algebras&Richard Arens115
Generalized power series algebras&Richard Arens116
Algebras of linear transformations and of functionals&R.C.Buck117
Report on rings of continuous functions&Melvin Hendricksen121
Report on algebras of bounded continuous functions&Edwin H ewitt124
Hyper-real fields&L.Gillman128
Some special spaces&L.Gillman130
Topological structure of normed linear spaces&V.L.Klee,Jr.132
Rings of uniformly continuous functions&J.R.Isbell134
Differentiation in Banach algebras&S.B.Myers135
Algebras of analytic functions&Walter Rudin137
Topological algebra seminar&Richard Arens140
Seminar on Extension Theorems142
Extensions of mappings into n-cubes&M.K.Fort,Jr.142
Recent analogues of the Urysohn-Tietze extension theorem&E.Michael143
Selection theorems for continuous functions&E.Michael144
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