
- 刘芹著 著
- 出版社: 上海:复旦大学出版社
- ISBN:9787309070798
- 出版时间:2010
- 标注页数:289页
- 文件大小:29MB
- 文件页数:327页
- 主题词:英语-口语-教学研究-高等学校
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Chapter 1 Introduction1
1.1 Need for the study3
1.1.1 Students'perspective3
1.1.2 Teachers'perspective4
1.1.3 Purpose of the study5
1.2 Configuration of the study6
1.2.1 Study procedure6
1.2.2 Study questions6
1.3 Significance of the study8
1.4 Layout of the book9
1.5 Summary11
Chapter 2 Literature Review12
2.1 Fundamentals of oral proficiency13
2.1.1 Speech communication and its characteristics13
2.1.2 Essence of speech communication15 Language use versus usage15 Communicative competence versus linguistic competence17 Accuracy versus fluency18 Correctness versus appropriateness20 Proficiency versus achievement21 Process versus product21 Synthetic approach versus analytic approach22 The learner versus the teacher22
2.1.3 Components of oral proficiency23
2.2 Classification of oral rating scales26
2.2.1 Holistic rating scales26
2.2.2 Analytic rating scales29
2.2.3 Combination of holistic & analytic rating scales32
2.2.4 Integration of holistic & analytic rating scales40
2.2.5 Using analytic rating scales for the project41
2.3 Summary42
Chapter 3 Study Bases44
3.1 Empirical basis44
3.1.1 Syllabus description44
3.1.2 Oral tests of CET & TEM48
3.2 Theoretical basis51
3.2.1 CLA model51 Language competence51 Strategic competence54 Psychophysiological mechanisms55 Significance of CLA to OARS55 Trait factors of CLA57
3.2.2 Cohen's rating scale for pragmatic speaking58
3.2.3 Nunn's rating scales for small group interaction59 Nunn's rating scales of interactive skills60 Nunn's rating scales of intelligibility62 Significance of Nunn's rating scales to OARS64
3.2.4 Reconsiderations on strategic competence65 Classification of strategic competence65 Evaluation of nonverbal communication66
3.3 Summary68
Chapter 4 Construction of OARS69
4.1 Needs analysis69
4.1.1 Basic considerations on band descriptors69
4.1.2 Questionnaire construction71 The trial questionnaire71 Demographic analysis75 Data analysis76
4.1.3 Survey results79 Demographic analysis79 The OARS questionnaire84 Data analysis87
4.2 Description of OARS95
4.2.1 Framework of OARS95
4.2.2 Band descriptors of OARS98 Band descriptors of organizational competence99 Band descriptors of pragmatic competence102 Band descriptors of flexible interaction104 Band descriptors of nonverbal communication105
4.3 Sample rating107
4.3.1 Sample rating Ⅰ—role-play108 Performance analysis108 Suggested rating110
4.3.2 Sample rating Ⅱ—discussion114 Performance analysis114 Suggested rating116
4.4 Summary121
Chapter 5 The Pilot Validation Study123
5.1 Research purpose123
5.2 Research subjects and task124
5.3 Research operation125
5.4 Data analysis127
5.4.1 Prior consideration127 Candidates'perspective127 Teachers'perspective129
5.4.2 The profound study133 Analysis of reliability estimates134 Analysis of descriptive statistics136 Analysis of construct validity137 Analysis of external validity139
5.5 Discussion142
5.6 Summary145
Chapter 6 The Field Validation Study146
6.1 Research purpose146
6.2 Research subjects and task147
6.3 Research operation149
6.3.1 Process of experimental tests149
6.3.2 Rater training150
6.3.3 Collection of data151
6.4 Data analysis152
6.4.1 Study on six types of candidates152 Analysis of reliability estimates152 Analysis of descriptive statistics153 Analysis of construct validity154 Analysis of external validity154
6.4.2 Study on 180 candidates158 Analyses of reliability estimates160 Analyses of descriptive statistics160 Analyses of construct validity161 Analyses of external validity161
6.4.3 Characteristics of oral English proficiency of Chinese college students164
6.4.4 Comparability study on different types of candidates167
6.5 Discussion172
6.6 Summary178
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Recommendations180
7.1 Validation results180
7.2 Washback effects182
7.2.1 Design of OARS as a model183
7.2.2 Precautions in application of OARS187
7.2.3 Contribution of OARS to oral instruction189
7.3 Existing problems190
7.3.1 Problems with OARS itself190
7.3.2 Problems with the validation study191
7.4 Further research192
7.5 Summary193
Appendix 1 Empirical Basis213
Appendix 1.1 Requirements for Oral Proficiency of English Majors(Chinese version)213
Appendix 1.2 Requirements for Oral Proficiency ofnon-English Majors(Chinese version)213
Appendix 1.3 Requirements for Pronunciation of English Majors at Band 2 & Band 4(Chinese version)214
Appendix 1.4 Rating Scale & Range Descriptions of CET-SET(Chinese version)215
Appendix 1.5 Range Descriptions of TEM4-Oral(Chinese version)216
Appendix 1.6 Range Descriptions of TEM8-Oral(Chinese version)218
Appendix 2 Questionnaires219
Appendix 2.1 OARS Trial Questionnaire219
Appendix 2.2 OARS Teachers'Questionnaire225
Appendix 2.3 OARS Students'Questionnaire229
Appendix 2.4 Candidate's Questionnaire—the Pilot Study234
Appendix 3 Experiments238
Appendix 3.1 Experimental Test of Sample Rating Ⅰ238
Appendix 3.2 Experimental Test of Sample Rating Ⅱ242
Appendix 3.3 Experimental Test of the Validation Study—Role Cards251
Appendix 4 Data of the Validation Study254
Appendix 4.1 Candidates'Raw Scores on ORAL,TEM4 & TEM8—the Pilot Study254
Appendix 4.2 Raw Scores of Candidates'Ratings—the Pilot Study255
Appendix 4.3 Raw Scores of Raters'Detailed Ratings—the Pilot Study261
Appendix 4.4 Raw Scores of Teachers'Rough Ratings—the Pilot Study265
Appendix 4.5 Sub-total Correlation Matrix—the Pilot Study274
Appendix 4.6 Sub-total Correlation Matrix for English(key)Candidates—the Field Study276
Appendix 4.7 Sub-total Correlation Matrix for Arts(key)Candidates—the Field Study278
Appendix 4.8 Sub-total Correlation Matrix for Science(key)Candidates—the Field Study280
Appendix 4.9 Sub-total Correlation Matrix for Arts(local)Candidates—the Field Study282
Appendix 4.10 Sub-total Correlation Matrix for Science(local)Candidates—the Field Study284
Appendix 4.11 Sub-total Correlation Matrix of RlT for 180 Candidates—the Field Study286
Appendix 4.12 Sub-total Correlation Matrix of RAT for 180 Candidates—the Field Study288
Figure 2.1 Allwright's diagram of communicative competence & linguistic competence18
Figure 2.2 Weir & Bygate's framework of oral proficiency components24
Figure 2.3 Rating scale of IELTS Oral28
Figure 2.4 Oral rating scale of TEEP32
Figure 2.5 Oral rating scale of American FSI interview39
Figure 3.1 Inner structure of language competence52
Figure 3.2 Trait factors of CLA57
Figure 3.3 Cohen's rating scale for pragmatic speaking58
Figure 3.4 Nunn's rating scale of turn-taking & negotiation60
Figure 3.5 Nunn's detailed rating scales of turn-taking & negotiation61
Figure 3.6 Nunn's rating scale of content of contributions62
Figure 3.7 Nunn's detailed rating scales of content of contributions62
Figure 3.8 Nunn's rating scale of pronunciation & intonation63
Figure 3.9 Nunn's detailed rating scales of pronunciation & intonation63
Figure 3.10 Nunn's rating scale of grammar & vocabulary64
Figure 3.11 Nunn's detailed rating scales of grammar & vocabulary64
Figure 4.1 Framework of OARS96
Figure 4.2 Band descriptors of organizational competence99
Figure 4.3 Band descriptors of pragmatic competence102
Figure 4.4 Band descriptors of flexible interaction104
Figure 4.5 Band descriptors of nonverbal communication105
Figure 5.1 Histogram of RAT—the Pilot Study135
Figure 6.1 Histogram of RlT for 180 candidates—the Field Study159
Figure 6.2 Histogram of RAT for 180 candidates—the Field Study159
Figure 7.1 Flowchart of designing OARS183
Figure 7.2 Procedure of needs analysis in designing OARS185
Table 2.1 Holistic oral rating scale of BEC 133
Table 2.2 Analytic oral rating scale of BEC 135
Table 2.3 Overall oral descriptors of BEC 137
Table 2.4 Rating scale of CET-SET40
Table 3.1 Requirements for oral proficiency of English majors45
Table 3.2 Requirements for oral proficiency of non-English majors46
Table 3.3 Requirements for pronunciation of English majors at Band 2 & Band 447
Table 3.4 Requirements for pronunciation of non-English majors47
Table 3.5 Range descriptions of CET-SET48
Table 3.6 Range descriptions of TEM4-Oral49
Table 4.1 Demographic analysis of the trial questionnaire76
Table 4.2 Analysis of the main component of the trial questionnaire77
Table 4.3 Information of respondents to the OARS teachers'questionnaire80
Table 4.4 Information of respondents to the OARS students'questionnaire82
Table 4.5 Components of OARS—Teachers'perspective87
Table 4.6 Components of OARS—Students'perspective89
Table 4.7 t test on components of OARS(Teachers versus Students)92
Table 4.8 t test on components of OARS(English majors versus non-English majors)93
Table 4.9 t test on components of OARS(Arts majors versus Science majors)94
Table 4.10 Reflection of language competence—sample rating Ⅰ108
Table 4.11 Reflection of strategic competence—sample rating Ⅰ109
Table 4.12 Reflection of scores—sample rating Ⅰ113
Table 4.13 Reflection of language competence—sample rating Ⅱ114
Table 4.14 Reflection of strategic competence—sample rating Ⅱ116
Table 4.15 Retflection of scores—sample rating Ⅱ121
Table 5.1 Statistical analysis of candidates'ratings—the Pilot Study127
Table 5.2 Candidates'attitudes towards OARS—the Pilot Study128
Table 5.3 Statistical analysis of raters'detailed ratings—the Pilot Study129
Table 5.4 The correlation matrix of raters'detailed ratings—the Pilot Study130
Table 5.5 Statistical analysis of teachers'rough ratings—the Pilot Study131
Table 5.6 The correlation matrix of teachers'rough ratings—the Pilot Study131
Table 5.7 Raw scores of RA—the Pilot Study133
Table 5.8 Reliability estimates—the Pilot Study136
Table 5.9 Descriptive statistics of the candidates'scores—the Pilot Study136
Table 5.10 Sub-total correlation matrix—the Pilot Study139
Table 5.11 Statistical analysis of outside measures—the Pilot Study141
Table 5.12 Analysis of external validity—the Pilot Study141
Table 6.1 Personal information of candidates—the Field Study148
Table 6.2 Reliability estimates of six sets of scores—the Field Study152
Table 6.3 Descriptive statistics of six sets of scores—the Field Study153
Table 6.4 Analysis of concurrent validity coefficients for English(key)candidates—the Field Study155
Table 6.5 Analysis of concurrent validity coefficients for Arts(key)candidates—the Field Study156
Table 6.6 Analysis of concurrent validity coefficients for Science(key)candidates—the Field Study156
Table 6.7 Analysis of concurrent validity coefficients for Arts(local)candidates—the Field Study157
Table 6.8 Analysis of concurrent validity coefficients for Science(local)candidates—the Field Study157
Table 6.9 Descriptive statistics of RlT & RAT for 180 candidates—the Field Study160
Table 6.10 Analysis of concurrent validity coefficients of RlT for 60 English majors—the Field Study162
Table 6.11 Analysis of concurrent validity coefficients of RAT for 60 English majors—the Field Study162
Table 6.12 Analysis of concurrent validity coefficients of RlT for 120 non-English majors—the Field Study163
Table 6.13 Analysis of concurrent validity coefficients of RAT for 120 non-English majors—the Field Study163
Table 6.14 Descriptive statistics of the candidates'average scores164
Table 6.15 Frequency of candidates'performance on each trait165
Table 6.16 MANOVA 1:Means across six groups167
Table 6.17 Post-Hoc 1:Means across six groups168
Table 6.18 MANOVA 2:Means across three fields169
Table 6.19 Post-Hoc 2:Means across three fields170
Table 6.20 MANOVA 3:Means across two university levels171
Table 6.21 t test:Means across two university levels171
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