
- 刘法公,陈明瑶编著 著
- 出版社: 北京:国防工业出版社
- ISBN:7118042803
- 出版时间:2006
- 标注页数:252页
- 文件大小:15MB
- 文件页数:266页
- 主题词:世界贸易组织-英语
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Unit 1 The WTO in Brief1
1.1 What is WTO?1
Exercises 12
1.2 GATT:"Provisional"for Almost Half a Century5
Exercises 26
1.3 The Multilateral Trading System10
Exercises 311
1.4 The Structure and the Secretariat of WTO13
Exercises 414
Translation of WTO Documents17
Language Features of This Unit20
Background Information for Your Reference in Chinese22
Unit 2 Decision Making23
2.1 Whose WTO is it anyway?23
Exercises 124
2.2 Levels of Authority26
Exercises 227
2.3 Settling Disputes30
2.3.1 Dispute-Settling Principles30
2.3.2 How are disputes settled?31
Exercises 332
2.3.3 Appeals34
2.3.4 Penalty34
2.3.5 Same People,Different Hats?35
Exercises 435
Translation of WTO Documents39
Language Features of This Unit43
Background Information for Your Reference in Chinese45
Unit 3 Goods Trade(Ⅰ)47
3.1 Agriculture47
Exercises 148
3.2 Anti-Dumping51
Exercises 253
3.3 Balance of Payments56
3.4 Customs Valuation57
Exercises 358
3.5 GATT and the Goods Council60
3.6 Import Licensing60
3.7 Information Technology Products60
3.7.1 Basic Principles of the ITA61
3.7.2 Normal Implementation Period61
3.7.3 Extended Staging/Developing Countries61
3.7.4 The ITA Today62
3.8 Market Access for Goods62
3.8.1 Tariff Cuts62
3.8.2 More Bindings63
Exercises 463
Translation of WTO Documents65
Language Features of This Unit67
Background Information for Your Reference in Chinese67
Unit 4 Goods Trade(Ⅱ)70
4.1 Rules of Origin70
4.1.1 A General Introduction70
4.1.2 An Excerpt from the Agreement on Rules of Origin71
4.2 Safeguard Measures71
Exercises 173
4.3 Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures75
4.3.1 Regulations for Animal and Plant Products75
4.3.2 The Least Developed and Those Depending on Food Imports76
4.4 Schedules of Concessions on Goods76
4.4.1 The Uruguay Round Increased Bindings76
4.4.2 Four Parts of the Schedule76
4.4.3 Content of the Schedule77
Exercises 277
4.5 State Trading Enterprise79
4.6 Subsidies and Countervailing Measures80
Exercises 382
4.7 Technical Barriers to Trade83
4.8 Textiles83
4.8.1 Textiles Monitoring Body(TMB)83
4.8.2 The WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing(ATC)1995—200484
Exercises 487
4.9 Trade Facilitation88
4.9.1 Mandate for Work by the Singapore Ministerial Declaration88
4.9.2 What is Trade Facilitation?88
4.9.3 Why is Trade Facilitation Becoming an Issue Now?89
4.9.4 Trade Facilitation in the Legal Framework of the WTO89
4.9.5 Current Status of Work89
Exercises 589
Translation of WTO Documents90
Language Features of This Unit92
Background Information for Your Reference in Chinese93
Unit 5 Service Trade94
5.1 Basic Principles94
5.2 General Obligations and Disciplines94
5.2.1 Total Coverage94
5.2.2 Most-Favored-Nation(MFN)Treatment95
5.2.3 Commitments on Market Access and National Treatment95
5.2.4 Transparency96
5.2.5 Regulations96
5.2.6 Recognition96
5.2.7 International Payments and Transfers96
5.2.8 Progressive Liberalization97
Exercises 197
5.3 The Annexes101
5.3.1 Movement of Natural Persons102
5.3.2 Financial Services102
5.3.3 Telecommunications102
5.3.4 Air Transport Services102
5.4 Current Work102
5.4.1 Negotiations(Article 19)102
5.4.2 Work on GATS Rules(Articles 10,13,15)103
5.4.3 Work on Domestic Regulations(Article 4.4)103
5.4.4 MFN Exemptions(Annex on Article 2)103
5.4.5 Taking Account of"Autonomous"Liberalization(Article 19)104
5.4.6 Special Treatment for Least-Developed Countries(Article 19)104
5.4.7 Assessment of Trade in Services(Article 19)104
5.4.8 Air Transport Services104
Exercises 2104
5.5 Assessment of Liberalization in Services107
5.5.1 Sectoral Experience of Hong Kong in Telecommunications107
5.5.2 Background107
5.5.3 Financial Model107
5.5.4 Cost-Benefits Analysis108
5.5.5 Tangible Benefits109
5.5.6 Intangible Benefits109
5.5.7 Observations110
Exercises 3110
Translation of WTO Documents114
Language Features of This Unit115
Background Information for Your Reference in Chinese116
Unit 6 Intellectual Property118
6.1 Understanding of Intellectual Property(IP)Rights118
6.2 Industrial Property118
Exercises 1119
6.3 Intellectual Property:Protection and Enforcement124
6.3.1 Origins of TRIPS124
6.3.2 WIPO125
6.3.3 General Provisions126
6.4 Basic Principles of TRIPS126
6.5 How to Protect Intellectual Property:Common Ground-Rules127
6.5.1 Copyright127
6.5.2 Trademarks127
6.5.3 Geographical Indications127
Exercises 2128
6.5.4 Industrial Designs132
6.5.5 Patents132
6.5.6 Integrated Circuits Layout Designs133
6.5.7 Undisclosed Information and Trade Secrets133
6.5.8 Curbing Anti-Competitive Licensing Contracts133
6.6 Enforcement:Tough but Fair133
6.6.1 Technology Transfer133
6.6.2 Transition Arrangements:1,5 or 11 Years or More134
6.7 The Three Main Features of the Agreement134
6.8 Certain General Provisions135
Exercises 3136
6.9 The Text of TRIPS139
Exercises 4141
Translation of WTO Documents145
Language Features of This Unit147
Background Information for Your Reference in Chinese147
Unit 7 Understanding WTO Agreements on Agriculture149
7.1 Overview149
7.2 How the WTO Agreement on Agriculture Come Out150
7.2.1 Agricultural Trade150
7.2.2 Trade Policies Prior to the WTO150
7.2.3 Uruguay Round Agricultural Negotiations151
Exercises 1152
7.3 Introduction of the Agreement on Agriculture156
7.3.1 Relationship with other WTO Agreements156
7.3.2 Product coverage156
7.3.3 Rules and commitments156
7.3.4 Implementation period156
7.3.5 Committee on Agriculture157
7.4 The WTO Agreement on Agriculture Itself157
7.4.1 Part Ⅰ158
Exercises 2159
7.4.2 Part Ⅱ162
7.4.3 Part Ⅲ163
7.4.4 Part Ⅳ165
Exercises 3166
7.4.5 Part Ⅴ169
7.4.6 Part Ⅵ171
Exercises 4172
Translation of WTO Documents175
Language Features of This Unit179
Background Information for Your Reference in Chinese180
Unit 8 Relation between WTO and China182
8.1 China Has Had a"Long March"to WTO Entry182
8.2 China's WTO Entry Is a Major Historic Event183
Exercises 1184
8.3 The Balance of Rights and Duties188
8.4 What Can China's Industries Get from the WTO?188
Exercises 2189
8.5 The Sino-US Bilateral Agreement191
Exercises 3194
Translation of WTO Documents196
Language Features of This Unit199
Background Information for Your Reference in Chinese199
Unit 9 An Outline of WTO Agreements201
9.1 Overview201
9.2 The Structure of the WTO Agreements202
9.3 Tariffs:More Bindings and Closer to Zero203
Exercises 1203
9.4 Agreements,Binding'Tariffs and Distortion206
9.5 The Agriculture Agreement:New Rules and Commitments208
9.6 Export Subsidies:Limits on Spending and Quantities209
Exercises 2210
9.7 Standards and Safety213
9.8 Textiles:Back in the Mainstream214
9.9 Services:Rules for Growth and Investment215
Exercises 3216
9.10 General Obligations and Disciplines217
9.11 International Payments and Transfers219
Exercises 4220
Translation of WTO Documents222
Language Features of This Unit224
Background Information for Your Reference in Chinese225
Unit 10 Dispute Settlement227
10.1 A Unique Contribution227
10.2 Settling Disputes228
10.3 How the Panels Are to Work229
10.3.1 Appeals230
Exercises 1231
10.3.2 Case Study234
10.3.3 Disputes:Where Should They Be Handled?234
Exercises 2237
10.4 A GATT Dispute:The Tuna-Dolphin Dispute240
10.5 Examples of Dispute Settlement Documents242
Exercises 3244
Translation of WTO Documents247
Language Features of This Unit249
Background Information for Your Reference in Chinese250
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