
- 仲海洋主编 著
- 出版社: 大连:大连海事大学出版社
- ISBN:756321982X
- 出版时间:2006
- 标注页数:315页
- 文件大小:73MB
- 文件页数:324页
- 主题词:物理学-高等学校-教材-英文
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Chapter 1 Introduction(引言)1
1.1 Space and Time(空间与时间)1
1.2 Coordinate Systems and Frames of Reference(坐标系与参考系)3
1.3 Idealized Models(理想模型)4
1.4 Vectors(矢量)4
1.5 Properties of Vectors(矢量的特点)5
1.6 Components of a Vector(矢量的分量)7
1.7 Unit Vectors(单位矢量)7
Chapter 2 Kinematics:Motion in Two and Three Dimensions(运动学:二维与三维运动)9
2.1 Kinematical Function of a Point(质点的运动函数)9
2.2 Displacement and Velocity(位移与速度)10
2.3 Acceleration(加速度)11
2.4 Motion with Constant Acceleration(匀加速运动)13
2.5 Linear Motion with Constant Acceleration(匀加速直线运动)14
2.6 Projectile Motion(抛体运动)15
2.7 Circular Motion(圆周运动)17
2.8 Relative Motion(相对运动)20
Chapter 3 Newton's Laws of Motion(牛顿运动定律)24
3.1 Newton's First Law(牛顿第一定律)24
3.2 Newton's Second Law(牛顿第二定律)25
3.3 Newton's Third Law(牛顿第三定律)26
3.4 Applications of Newton's Laws(牛顿运动定律的应用)26
3.5 International Units and Dimensions(国际单位制与量纲)29
3.6 Introduction to Some Common Forces(几种常见力)30
3.7 The Four Fundamental Forces(四种基本力)32
Chapter 4 Linear Momentum and Angular Momentum(动量与角动量)34
4.1 Linear Momentum and Impulse(动量与冲量)34
4.2 Impulse-momentum Theorem for Particles System(质点系的动量定理)36
4.3 Conservation of Linear Momentum(动量守恒定律)37
4.4 Center of Mass(质心)38
4.5 Motion of the Center of Mass(质心的运动)39
4.6 Angular Momentum of a Particle(质点的角动量)40
4.7 Conservation Law of Angular Momentum(角动量守恒定律)41
Chapter 5 Work and Energy(功和能)43
5.1 Work(功)43
5.2 Work-kinetic Energy Theorem(动能定理)44
5.3 Conservative Force and Potential Energy(保守力和势能)49
5.4 Gravitational Potential Energy(引力势能)51
5.5 Potential Energy Stored in a Spring(弹簧的弹性势能)51
5.6 Conservation of Mechanical Energy(机械能守恒)52
Chapter 6 Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis(刚体的定轴转动)54
6.1 Motion of a Rigid Body(刚体的运动)54
6.2 Law of Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis(刚体定轴转动定律)57
6.3 Calculation of Moments of Inertia for Rigid Bodies(刚体转动喷量的计算)60
6.4 Application of Law of Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis(刚体定轴转动定律的应用)63
6.5 Conservation of Angular Momentum with Respect to the Fixed Axis(对定轴角动量守恒)65
Chapter 7 Electric Fields of Stationary Electric Charges(静止电荷的电场)68
7.1 Charge(电荷)69
7.2 Coulomb's Law(库仑定律)70
7.3 The Electric Field(电场)72
7.4 Calculation of Electric Field(电场的计算)74
7.5 Electric Field Lines and Electric Flux(电场线和电通量)80
7.6 Gauss's Law(高斯定理)84
7.7 Application of Gauss's Law(高斯定理的应用)86
Chapter 8 Electric Potential(电势)92
8.1 Conservativity of Electrostatic Field(静电场的保守性)92
8.2 Potential Difference and Electric Potential(电势差和电势)94
8.3 Calculation of Electric Potential(电势的计算)96
8.4 Electric Potential Gradient(电势梯度)102
8.5 Electrostatic Potential Energy(静电势能)105
Chapter 9 Conductors in Electrostatic Field(静电场中异体)107
9.1 Conductors in Electrostatic Equilibrium(导体的静电平衡)107
9.2 Calculation of Electrostatic Field with Conductors Nearby(有导体存在时静电场的分析与计算)111
Chapter 10 Capacitors and Dielectrics in Electrostatic Field(电容器和静电场中的电介质)117
10.1 Capacitance and Capacitors(电容和电容器)117
10.2 Dielectrics and Electric Field(电介质与电场)123
10.3 Polarization of Dielectrics(电介质的极化)125
10.4 Gauss's Law for Electric Displacement Vector(?的高斯定理)128
10.5 Energy Stored in a Charged Capacitor(电容器的能量)130
Chapter 11 Magnetic Force(磁力)135
11.1 Nature of Magnetic Force(磁力的本质)135
11.2 Magnetic Field and Magnetic Field Vector(磁场和磁感应强度)135
11.3 Motion of a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field(带电粒子在磁场中的运动)139
11.4 The Hall Effect(霍尔效应)143
11.5 Magnetic Force on a Current-carrying Conductor(载流导体在磁场中受力—安培力)145
Chapter 12 Source of Magnetic Field(磁场的源)150
12.1 The Magnetic Field of Moving Point Charges(运动点电荷的磁场)150
12.2 The Biot-Savart Law(毕奥—萨伐尔定律)151
12.3 Ampere Circuital Theorem(安培环路定理)156
12.4 Application of Ampere Circuital Theorem(安培环路定理应用)157
12.5 Magnetic Field due to Varying Electric Field(与变化的电场相联系的磁场)159
12.6 The Magnetic Force Between Two Parallel Current-carrying Wires(平行电流间的相互作用力)161
Chapter 13 Magnetic Media in Magnetic Field(磁场中的磁介质)163
13.1 Effect on Magnetic Field Caused by Magnetic Media(磁介质对磁场的影响)163
13.2 Atomic Magnetic Dipole Moments(原子磁矩)164
13.3 Magnetization(磁介质的磁化)165
13.4 Ferromagnetic Materials(铁磁质)168
13.5 Circuital Theorem for H(H的环路定理)171
Chapter 14 Electromagnetic Induction(电磁感应)173
14.1 Faraday Law of Electromagnetic Induction(法拉第电磁感应定律)173
14.2 Motional emf(动生电动势)178
14.3 Induced emf and Induced Electric Field(感生电动势和感生电场)179
14.4 Mutual Induction(互感现象)182
14.5 Self-induction(自感现象)184
14.6 Energy of Magnetic Field(磁场的能量)185
Chapter 15 Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves(麦克斯韦方程组与电磁波)188
15.1 Maxwell's Equations(麦克斯韦方程组)188
15.2 Electromagnetic Waves(电磁波)189
15.3 The Wave Equation for Electromagnetic Waves(电磁波的方程)191
Chapter 16 Temperature and the Kinetic Theory of Gases(温度与气体运动论)193
16.1 Thermal Equilibrium and Temperature(热平衡及温度)193
16.2 The Celsius and Fahrenheit Temperature Scales(摄氏温标与华氏温标)194
16.3 Gas Thermometers and the Absolute Temperature Scale(气体温度计和绝对温标)195
16.4 The Ideal-Gas Law(理想气体定律)197
16.5 The Kinetic Theory of Gases(气体运动理论)199
16.6 Maxwell Speed Distribution Function(麦克斯韦速率分布函数)203
Chapter 17 Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics(热及热力学第一定律)205
17.1 Heat Capacity and Specific Heat(热容与比热)206
17.2 Change of Phase and Latent Heat(相变与潜热)207
17.3 Joule's Experiment(焦耳实验)208
17.4 The Internal Energy of an Ideal Gas(理想气体内能)209
17.5 Work and the PV Diagram for a Gas(功与气体PV图)209
17.6 The First Law of Thermodynamics(热力学第一定律)211
17.7 Heat Capacities of Gases(气体的热容)215
17.8 The Quasi-Static Adiabatic Process for an Ideal Gas(理想气体的准静态绝热过程)217
17.9 Kinds of Thermodynamic Processes(热力学过程的种类)219
Chapter 18 The Second Law of Thermodynamics(热力学第二定律)221
18.1 Heat Engines and the Second Law of Thermodynarnics(热机与热力学第二定律)222
18.2 Refrigerators and the Second Law of Thermodynamics(制冷机与热力学第二定律)225
18.3 Equivalence of the Heat-Engine and Refrigerator Statements(开尔文表述与克劳修斯表述的等价性)225
18.4 The Camot Engine and Carnot Cycle(卡诺热机与卡诺循环)226
18.5 Degradation of Energy(能量的损失)229
18.6 Irreversibility and Disorder(不可逆性与无序性)229
18.7 Entropy(熵)230
18.8 Entropy and Probability(熵与概率)234
Chapter 19 Oscillatory Motion(振动)237
19.1 Description of Simple Harmonic Motion(简谐运动的描述)237
19.2 Phasor and Phase(旋转矢量与振动的相)240
19.3 Dynamic Equation for Simple Harmonic Motion(简谐运动的动力学方程)243
19.4 Examples of Simple Harmonic Motion(简谐运动的实例)246
19.5 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion(简谐运动的能量)247
19.6 Combination of Simple Harmonic Motion(简谐运动的合成)249
19.7 Damped Oscillations,Driven Oscillations and Resonance(阻尼振动、受迫振动、共振)251
Chapter 20 Waves(波动)254
20.1 Traveling Waves(行波)255
20.2 Simple Harmonic Waves(简谐波)258
20.3 Wave Equation and Wave Speed(波方程和波速)262
20.4 Energy of Waves(波的能量)265
20.5 Huygens Principle,Diffraction,Reflection and Refraction(惠更斯原理,波的衍射、反射和折射)267
20.6 Superposition and Standing Waves(波的叠加和驻波)275
20.7 The Doppler Effect(多普勒效应)281
Exercise 1 Kinematics(运动学)286
Exercise 2 Newton's Laws of Motion(牛顿运动定律)287
Exercise 3 Momentum and Energy(动量与能量)289
Exercise 4 Angular Momentum and Rigid Bodies(角动量与刚体)290
Exercise 5 Oscillations(振动)292
Exercise 6 Waves(波动)293
Exercise 7 Electric Field,Potential and Gauss's law(电场、电势与高斯定理)295
Exercise 8 Dielectrics and Capacitors(电介质与电容器)297
Exercise 9 Magnetic Field(磁场)299
Exercise 10 Magnetic Media and Electromagnetic Induction(磁介质与电磁感应)302
Exercise 11 Kinetic Theory of Gases(气体运动论)305
Exercise 12 Thermodynamics(热力学)307
Appendix 1 Mathematical Symbols and Their Meaning(数学符号及读法)311
Appendix 2 Prefixes for Powers of 10(国际单位制中用以表示十进制倍数的词头及符号)315
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