
胡适全集 第39卷【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

胡适全集 第39卷
  • 胡适著 著
  • 出版社: 合肥:安徽教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787533622176
  • 出版时间:2003
  • 标注页数:678页
  • 文件大小:63MB
  • 文件页数:689页
  • 主题词:胡适(1891~1962)-全集


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Introduction to the American Edition1

Introductory Note to an Exhibition of Modern Chinese Paintings8

Looking Forward10

Introductory Note to Paintings by Wang Chi-yuan24

Peace in the Far East26

Book Review of Institute of Pacific Relations,War and Peace in the Pacific39

Foree as an Instrument of Law and Government46

Introduction to Arthur W.Hummel,ed.Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period,1644-191271

Sun Yat-sen82

Foundations of Friendship Between the Chinese and the Americans100

A Note on Ch'üan Tsu-wang,Chao I-ch'ing and Tai Chen,A Study ofIndependent Convergence in Research as Illustrated in Their Works on the Shu-ching Chu109

Book Review of Carrington L.Goodrich,A Short History of the Chinese People141

Inaugural Address at the Chinese Art Society of America145

The Concept of Immortality in Chinese Thought156

The 34th Anniversary of the Chinese Revolution190

The Chinese Revolution200

Speech on His Election as a Vice-president of the United Nations Educational and Cultural Conference207

A Broadcast Speech for the Office of War Information of U.S.A212

Achievements of"UNESCO"214

Foreword to Buwei Yang Chao,How to Cook and Eat in Chinese216

Chinese Thought220

A Forum on the UNESCO Confefence236

Chang Poling:A Biographical Tribute249

Ten-Year Plan for China's Academic Independence268

Salute from the Orient278

Introduction to Herrymon Maurer,Collision of East and West281

How to Understand a Decade of Rapidly Deteriorated Sino-American Relations290

Meeting of East and West in China299

The Important Role of Doubt in Chinese Thought315

My Early Associations with the Gest Oriental Library345

Review of The End of Extra-territoriality by Wesley Fishel353

Ch'an(Zen)Buddhism in China:Its History and Method361

The Humanist Tradition in Confucianism403

Authority and Freedom in the Ancient Asian World412

An Oriental Looks at the Modern Western Civilization423

Yung Wing:One Hundred Years after His Graduation439

The Gest Oriental Library at Princeton University452

Chinese Philosophy501

Prefatory Note522

Far Eastern History526

Preface to Japanese Sense of Humor532

A Historian Looks at Chinese Painting537

Speech Delivered on February 12,1959,for the United States Information Agency in Honor of Lincoln's Birthday558

Speech Delivered on February 12,1959,for the Voice of America in Honor of Lincoln's Birthday562

The Scientific Spirit and Method in Chinese Philosophy567

The Development of a Scientific Method in Chinese Intellectual History618

An Appeal for a Systematic Search in Japan for Long-Hidden T'ang Dynasty Source-Materials of the Early History of Zen Buddhism629

The Chinese Tradition and the Future644

Rabindranath Tagore in China667

Social Changes and Science671
