数据结构与算法 C++版 第2版 影印版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 〔美〕Adam Drozdek著 著
- 出版社: 清华大学出版社
- ISBN:7302072973
- 出版时间:2003
- 标注页数:551页
- 文件大小:104MB
- 文件页数:40182863页
- 主题词:数据结构-英文;算法分析-英文;C语言-程序设计-英文
数据结构与算法 C++版 第2版 影印版PDF格式电子书版下载
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Chapter 1 Object-Oriented Programming Using C++1
1.1 Abstract Data Types1
1.2 Encapsulation1
1.3 Inheritance5
1.4 Pointers8
1.4.1 Pointers and Arrays10
1.4.2 Pointers and Copy Constructors12
1.4.3 Pointers and Destructors14
1.4.4 Pointers and Reference Variables15
1.4.5 Pointers to Functions17
1.5 Polymorphism18
1.6 C++ and Object-Oriented Programming20
1.7 The Standard Template Library21
1.7.1 Containers21
1.7.2 Iterators21
1.7.3 Algorithms22
1.7.4 Function Objects22
1.8 Vectors in the Standard Template Library24
1.9 Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming31
1.10 Case Study: Random Access File31
1.11 Exercises42
1.12 Programming Assignments44
Chapter 2 Complexity Analysis47
2.1 Computational and Asymptotic Complexity47
2.2 Big-O Notation48
2.3 Properties of Big-O Notation50
2.4 Ω and Θ Notations51
2.5 Possible Problems52
2.6 Examples of Complexities52
2.7 Finding Asymptotic Complexity: Examples54
2.8 The Best, Average, and Worst Cases56
2.9 Amortized Complexity59
2.10 Exercises62
Chapter 3 Llinked Lis+s67
3.1 Singly Linked Lists67
3.1.1 Insertion72
3.1.2 Deletion74
3.1.3 Search79
3.2 Doubly Linked Lists79
3.3 Circular Lists83
3.4 Skip Lists85
3.5 Self-Organizing Lists89
3.6 Sparse Tables93
3.7 Lists in the Standard Template Library96
3.8 Deques in the Standard Template Library99
3.9 Concluding Remarks103
3.10 Case Study: A Library104
3.11 Exercises113
3.12 Programming Assignments115
Chapter 4 Stacks and Queues119
4.1 Stacks119
4.2 Queues126
4.3 Priority Queues132
4.4 Stacks in the Standard Template Library133
4.5 Queues in the Standard Template Library134
4.6 Priority Queues in the Standard Template Library135
4.7 Case Study: Exiting a Maze137
4.8 Exercises142
4.9 Programming Assignments144
Chapter 5 Recursion147
5.1 Recursive Definitions147
5.2 Function Calls and Recursion Implementation149
5.3 Anatomy of a Recursive Call151
5.4 Tail Recursion154
5.5 Nontail Recursion155
5.6 Indirect Recursion160
5.7 Nested Recursion162
5.8 Excessive Recursion162
5.9 Backtracking165
5.10 Concluding Remarks172
5.11 Case Study: A Recursive Descent Interpreter173
5.12 Exercises180
5.13 Programming Assignments182
Chapter 6 Binary Trees187
6.1 Trees, Binary Trees, and Binary Search Trees187
6.2 Implementing Binary Trees191
6.3 Searching a Binary Search Tree193
6.4 Tree Traversal195
6.4.1 Breadth-First Traversal196
6.4.2 Depth-First Traversal197
6.4.3 Stackless Depth-First Traversal203
6.5 Insertion208
6.6 Deletion211
6.6.1 Deletion by Merging212
6.6.2 Deletion by Copying215
6.7 Balancing a Tree217
6.7.1 The DSW Algorithm219
6.7.2 A VL Trees222
6.8 Self-Adjusting Trees226
6.8.1 Self-Restructuring Trees226
6.8.2 Splaying228
6.9 Heaps232
6.9.1 Heaps as Priority Queues233
6.9.2 Organizing Arrays as Heaps235
6.10 Polish Notation and Expression Trees238
6.11 Case Study: Computing Word Frequencies242
6.12 Exercises249
6.13 Programming Assignments252
Chapter 7 Multiway Trees257
7.1 The Family of B-Trees257
7.1.1 B-Trees259
7.1.2 B-Trees267
7.1.3 B+-Trees268
7.1.4 Prefiix B+-Trees270
7.1.5 Bit-Trees272
7.1.6 R-Trees273
7.1.7 2-4 Trees275
7.1.8 Sets and Multisets in the Standard Template Library281
7.1.9 Maps and Multimaps in the Standard Template Library286
7.2 Tries290
7.3 Concluding Remarks297
7.4 Case Study: Spell Checker297
7.5 Exercises307
7.6 Programming Assignments308
Chapter 8 Graphs313
8.1 Graph Representation314
8.2 Graph Traversals316
8.3 Shortest Paths319
8.4 Cycle Detection327
8.5 Spanning Trees329
8.5.1 Boruvka’s Algorithm330
8.5.2 Kruskal’s Algorithm332
8.5.3 Jarnik-Prim’s Algorithm333
8.5.4 Dijkstra’s Method333
8.6 Connectivity334
8.6.1 Connectivity in Undirected Graphs334
8.6.2 Connectivity in Directed Graphs336
8.7 Topological Sort338
8.8 Networks340
8.8.1 Maximum Flows340
8.8.2 Maximum Flows of Minimum Cost349
8.9 Matching353
8.9.1 Assignment Problem357
8.9.2 Matching in Nonbipartite Graphs359
8.10 Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs361
8.10.1 Eulerian Graphs361
8.10.2 HamiltonianGraphs362
8.11 Case Study: Distinct Representatives365
8.12 Exercises375
8.13 Programming Assignments377
Chapter 9 Sorting381
9.1 Elementary Sorting Algorithms382
9.1.1 Insertion Sort382
9.1.2 Selection Sort384
9.1.3 Bubble Sort386
9.2 Decision Trees388
9.3 Effiicient Sorting Algorithms391
9.3.1 Shell Sort391
9.3.2 Heap Sort394
9.3.3 Quicksort397
9.3.4 Mergesort402
9.3.5 Radix Sort405
9.4 Sorting in the Standard Template Library409
9.5 Concluding Remarks412
9.6 Case Study: Adding Polynomials413
9.7 Exercises420
9.8 Programming Assignments421
Chapter 10 Hashing425
10.1 Hash Functions425
10.1.1 Division426
10.1.2 Folding426
10.1.3 Mid-Square Function427
10.1.4 Extraction427
10.1.5 Radix Transformation427
10.2 Collision Resolution427
10.2.1 Open Addressing428
10.2.2 Chaining433
10.2.3 Bucket Addressing435
10.3 Deletion436
10.4 Perfect Hash Functions437
10.4.1 Cichelli’s Method437
10.4.2 The FHCD Algorithm439
10.5 Hash Functions for Extendible Files441
10.5.1 Extendible Hashing442
10.5.2 Linear Hashing444
10.6 Case Study:Hashing with Buckets446
10.7 Exercises454
10.8 Programming Assignments455
Chapter 11 Data Compression459
11.1 Conditions for Data Compression459
11.2 Huffman Coding461
11.3 Shannon-Fano Code473
11.4 Run-Length Encoding473
11.5 Ziv-Lempel Code475
11.6 Case Study: Huffman Method with Run-Length Encoding477
11.7 Exercises487
11.8 Programming Assignments488
Chapter 12 Memory Management491
12.1 The Sequential-Fit Methods492
12.2 The Nonsequential-Fit Methods493
12.3 Garbage Collection500
12.3.1 Mark-and-Sweep501
12.3.2 Copying Methods507
12.3.3 incremental Garbage Collection509
12.4 Concluding Remarks515
12.5 Case Study: An In-Place Garbage Collector516
12.6 Exercises523
12.7 Programming Assignments524
Appendix A Computing Big-O529
Appendix B Algorithms in the Standard Template Library535
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