汉语教与学必备:教什么?怎么教? 简体 上 什么篇:语用与语法走廊【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 傅海燕著 著
- 出版社: 北京:北京语言大学出版社
- ISBN:7561918674
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:340页
- 文件大小:9MB
- 文件页数:373页
- 主题词:汉语-对外汉语教学-教学研究
汉语教与学必备:教什么?怎么教? 简体 上 什么篇:语用与语法走廊PDF格式电子书版下载
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A.语音——汉语拼音 Phonetics—Hanyu Pinyin1
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning音节 Syllables4
声母及特点 Initials and Their Features4
韵母及特点 Finals and Their Features4
声调 Tones6
教学难点 Difficulties8
韵母的拼写 Spelling of the Finals8
声母的读法 Pronunciation of Initials10
拼读 Pronunciation of Words11
声调标号 Tone Marks12
B.汉字 Characters13
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning汉字的使用 The Use of Chinese Characters15
汉字的书写形成 Chinese Characters and Compositions15
书写汉字 Writing Characters17
用计算机写汉字 Computerized Writing18
教学难点 Difficulties20
记忆汉字 Memorizing Chinese Characters20
1.数字与生活 Numbers in Life22
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning:数字/数目 Number,Amount,Quantity,Digit25
数学用语 Mathematical Terms26
名量词 Measure Words for Noun(Nominal Measure Word)28
钱 Cash,Money28
年龄 Age30
电话号码 Telephone Number31
日历 Calendar31
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning31
年龄 Age31
换算 Conversion of Big Numbers from English to Chinese33
对数字的听力理解 Listening Comprehension of Numbers34
名量词 Measure Word for Noun(Nominal Measure Word)34
“多”的使用 Use of“多”36
词汇表 Glossary37
常用量词表 List of Commonly Used Measure Words37
2.自我介绍 Self Introduction45
教学重点 Content of Learning48
问好 Greetings48
介绍姓名 Introducing Names50
介绍年龄 Introducing Age52
介绍电话号码 Introducing Telephone Numbers53
介绍家庭住址 Introducing Home Addresses53
称谓 Titles54
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning57
形容词谓语句 Adjective as Predicate57
“不”的变调 Tone Sandhi for“不”57
汉语的“Yes/No” Yes and No in Chinese57
姓与名的位置 Positions of“姓”and“名”58
“姓”与“叫”的使用 Practical Uses of“姓”and“叫”59
请教尊姓大名 Formal and Informal Ways of Inquiring Names59
词汇表 Glossary60
常用(人与物)代词表 List of Commonly Used Pronouns for People/Animals and Objects60
3.家人 Family Members62
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning家人 Family Members65
有/没有 Have/Not to Have68
量词 Measure Words68
问答 Questions and Answers68
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning69
兄弟姐妹排行 Order of Your Siblings69
非嫡系兄弟姐妹 Half/Step Siblings69
亲戚 Relatives70
不/没有 Negatives70
名量词 Measure Words for Noun(Nominal Measure Words)71
文化联系 Culture Connection72
中国家庭 Chinse Family72
4.国家/人/语言 Country/People/Language73
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning:谈国籍与语言 Speaking about Citizenship and Language76
谈地点 Speaking about Locations77
简单问句 Simple Questions77
复杂问句 Complex Questions78
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning79
"Where are you from?"82
Function of“哪”82
文化联系 Culture Connection86
我们都是美国人 We are all Americans86
汉语/中文/华文 Chinese Language87
词汇表 Glossary87
国家/人 Country/People87
语言 Language88
有关地理词 Related Geographical Terms88
5.工作与职业 Work and Occupation91
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning工作与职业 Work and Occupation93
询问/表述职业 Asking and Speaking about Occupation94
工作地点 Workplace94
询问/表述工作地点 Asking and Speaking about Workplace95
文化联系 Culture Connection95
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning96
地点在句中的位置 Position of Location Word in a Sentence96
词汇表 Glossary98
跟学习相关的词汇 Words Related to Study98
6.时间 Time101
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning时间点 Point of time—Moment104
时间段 Period of time—Duration110
句型与提问 Sentence Patterns and Questions112
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning114
时间点在句中的位置 Position of Time Phrase in the Sentence114
行为指示时间 Actions Indicate Time114
时间点做名词定语 Point of Time as Attributive115
Year vs.“年”116
上?下? Last and Next116
时间点与时间段 Point in Time vs.Period of Time117
7.行为与事件 Actions&Events118
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning常用动词与动词词组 Commonly Used Verbs and Verbal Phrases120
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning125
动词的分类 Category of Verbs125
汉语形容词的动词性 Adjectives as Verbs127
动词做时间词 Actions Indicating Time127
状语与动作的关系(对比英语) Relationship between Adverbial and Action(Comparing with English)128
英语中的“看” “看”in Enghish128
汉语中的“to know” "To know"in Chinese129
汉语中的“to visit” "To visit"in Chinese130
补充语法点 Supplementary Notes130
双宾语 Double Object130
8.爱好/选择/责任 Hobby/Preference/Obligation132
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning能愿动词/助动词表 List of Modal Verbs(Auxiliary Verbs)134
能愿动词的使用:例句与比较 Use of Modal Verbs:Example&Comparison135
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning137
"Ask"in Chinese140
"Can"in Chinese141
Negative for“得”and“不得不”142
9.评议行为 Evaluating Actions143
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning程度补语 Complement of Degrees145
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning146
程度补语句型 Structure of the Complement of Degrees146
程度补语功能 Function of the Complement of Degrees146
动词组vs.双音节动词 Verbal Phrases vs.Two-word Verbs148
汉语的副词与英语的副词 Chinese Adverbs vs.English Adverbs149
难以翻译的形容词 Adjectives Difficult to Translate150
词汇表 Glossary152
常用副词表 List of Commonly Used Adverbs152
常用简易形容词表 List of Commonly Used Simple Adjectives153
10.颜色 Color158
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning颜色 Color160
“是……的”结构“是……的” Structure162
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning164
颜色作为形容词 Colors as Adjectives164
颜色的使用 Description vs.Identification164
形状和颜色 Shape and Color165
11.服装与学习用具 Clothing and Study Tools166
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning量词 Measure Words168
服装 Clothing168
服饰 Accessories170
学习用具 Study Tools171
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning172
量词的使用 Usage of Measure Words172
"Wear"in Chinese173
复杂定语(名词组) Complex Noun Phrases173
12.复句——分析与争辩 Complex Sentence Patterns—Reasoning and Arguing174
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning复句句型 Complex Sentence Patterns176
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning182
主语与副词 Subjects and Adverbs182
主语在句中的位置 Position of Subjects in the Sentences182
“不管”与疑问 Interrogative Form in“不管”Sentence184
13.叙述与询问 Telling Stories—Narration and Inquiry186
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning日常活动行为 General Actions188
特定事件 Specific Events189
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning192
日常与特定 General Actions vs.Specific Events192
比较否定词“不”和“没” Comparing Negatives:“不”vs.“没”193
“了”的各种用法 When/How to Use“了”195
14.疑问句 Questions198
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning疑问句 Questions200
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning203
形容词做谓语:“是”和“好” Adjective as Predicate:“是”vs.“好”203
“or”在疑问句和陈述句中 "Or"in Questions vs."Or"in Statements204
"To ask"vs.“问”204
"I don't know..."vs.“我不知道”205
复合句 Complex Sentences206
15.方位 Driection and Position207
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning方位词 Words Indicating Position/Location209
方位词尾 Suffixes Indicating Position/Location209
方位词组 Phrases Indicating Position/Location210
有用句型 Sentence Patterns for Describing Position/Location211
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning212
复杂名词组 Complex Noun Phrases212
“部”“边”“面”“方”的用法 Use of“部”,“边”,“面”and“方”213
文化联系 Culture Connection215
说汉语的国家与地区 Chinese-Speaking Countries and Regions215
词汇表 Glossary215
建筑 Structure215
居家 Home216
学校 School218
16.地点表 List of Place220
17.怎么做? How Is It Done?—Methods,Manners,Means of Action226
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning行为方式与工具表 List of Methods,Manners and Means228
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning230
状语在句中的位置 Positions of Adverbial Phrases in the Sentences230
描述性状态vs.伴随状态 Descriptive Manners vs.Companion Action230
词汇表 Glossary231
方式状语表 List of Adverbial Phrases by Category231
18.名词组 Noun Phrases238
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning名词组的构成 Formation of Noun Phrases240
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning245
名词组 Noun Phrases245
形容词修饰名词 Adjective as Modification246
定语(修饰词)的顺序 Order of Modifiers246
19.度量衡 Measurements248
20.比较 Comparison251
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning三级比较 Three-levels of Comparison253
比较不同 Comparing Difference254
比较相同 Comparing Similarity256
比较所有 Comparing Possession258
比较喜好 Comparing Preferences259
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning260
“很”和“much”在比较句中 “很”vs."Much"in Comparison260
比较句中数量的位置 Position of Quantity in Comparative Sentences261
中英文比较所有的不同“有” vs."to Have"in Comparison261
喜好的比较 Preferences in Comparison262
比较句的否定式 Negatives in Comparison262
21.指路 Asing and Giving Directions263
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning认识路标 Identifying handmarks266
计划路线和预测时间 Plan the Route and Predict the Time270
指方向 Giving Directions273
指路——有用的句型 Giving Directions—Useful Sentence Patterns274
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning275
结果补语 Resultant Complement275
“在”作为结果“在” as A Result277
可能补语vs.结果补语 Potential Complements vs.Resultant Complement278
“能”与“可能” Potentials and Abilities279
可能补语vs.程度补语 Potential Complement vs.Complement of Degree279
词汇表 Glossary280
路标 Road Signs280
交通用语 Related Traffic Expressions280
补充语法点 Supplementary Notes281
趋向补语 Directional Complement281
22.指令 Giving Instructions(Orders,Directions)285
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning指令 Giving Instructions(Orders,Directions)288
常用的指令 Commonly Used Instructions291
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning292
“问”vs.“请” Asking a Question vs.Asking Someone292
“想”vs.“想让” Wanting Someone to Do Something293
听什么? Listening to"What"?294
“把”字句的使用 Use of“把”Sentence294
“把”字句与“被”字句的比较与使用 “把”Sentence vs.“被”Sentence297
词汇表 Glossary299
文化联系 Culture Connection304
中国食品 Chinese Food304
中国珍宝 Chinese Treasures305
23.季节与天气 Seasons and Weather306
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning季节 Seasons308
天气 Weather309
温度 Temperature312
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning314
一年四季 Seasons in the Year314
描述天气 Describing Weather314
温度 Temperature315
24.健康/身体/看病 Health/Body/See a Doctor317
教学重点 Content of Teaching and Learning身体部位 Body Parts319
症状 Symptoms320
去医院 Going to Hospital322
谈经历 Discussing Past Experience323
教学难点 Cruxes of Teaching and Learning325
动量词“次” Measure Word for Action—“次”325
看病 Seeing a Doctor326
大夫vs.医生 How to Refer to a Doctor?327
索引 Index328
汉语语音表 Phonetic Chart331
Group One Finals331
Group Two Finals332
Group Three Finals332
Group Four Finals333
建议参考资料 Efernce335
参考书目 Bibliography340
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