
- 刘永科主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国国际广播出版社
- ISBN:9787507800371
- 出版时间:2009
- 标注页数:345页
- 文件大小:34MB
- 文件页数:362页
- 主题词:英语-笑话-汇编
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1.Clever Black Hens1
2.A Good Deed1
3.The Teacher's Notation2
4.Heat and Cold2
5.It Doesn't Matter3
6.Dead or Alive?4
7.Wonderful Science5
8.The Weight5
9.God Said6
10.A Parrot7
11.Horrible Stories7
12.The Pot Died8
13.They Are in My Hand9
14.He's Broken My Toy10
15.The Third Chicken11
16.My Father Is Speaking11
18.The Excuse13
19.Say That to Herself13
20.A Liar14
21.A Good Child14
22.The Professor's Lunch15
23.How Old Are You?16
24.The Only Cake17
25.The Lost Ring17
26.Who Knows?18
27.The Exact Length19
28.Stick the Stamp on Yourself20
29.An Umbrella20
30.Are Flies Good to Eat?21
31.Was It a Horse?22
32.The Best and the Poorest22
33.Six Answers to One Problem23
34.The Look of the Letter G24
35.The Location of the Nile24
36.Did You Put Out the Light?24
37.It's Because25
38.Do You Know Music?25
40.He Didn't Help Me26
41.Six and Four Are26
42.A Polite Boy27
44.What Did I Do in School Today?28
45.The Queerest Thing29
46.She Understands29
47.The Barber's Explanation30
48.No Wonder30
49.Just Helpless31
50.Buying Bread32
51.Pleased to Meet You33
52.An Absent-minded Professor34
53.But You Have Got One34
54.Why Was He Angry?35
55.I'd Look Even Sillier36
56.The Same36
57.I,You and She37
58.A Race38
59.A Nautical Mile and a Mile39
60.I Just Want to Make Sure89
61.I Don't Know Where I'm Going40
62.The Bet41
63.The Bait42
64.Peter's Answer42
65.The Meaning of Having a New Baby43
67.Mrs.Williams and Mice45
68.Not So Easy45
70.Not for Today47
71.That's Just the Trouble47
72.A Dirtier Hand48
74.No Charge for the Luggage50
75.Look Out50
77.Too Drunk52
78.Tom Saw a Tiger53
79.The King and the Critic53
80.Tommy and Olives54
81.A Careless Professor55
82.Mosquitoes with Lanterns56
83.A Funnier Story57
84.Mother or Father57
85.Out They Go58
86.A Spider in the Paper59
87.Too Poor59
88.Not a Penny More60
89.A Picture of Police and Robber61
90.Ten Years'Work62
91.The Father of All Things62
92.Hit Him Again63
93.He Prefers64
94.The Clever Cock65
95.Moving Pictures66
96.She Wants to Keep Them66
97.But I Must Find It67
98.To Lie or to Be Polite68
99.Who's That Strange Man?69
100.A Polite Robber70
101.I Know You Would70
102.Shorter Hours71
103.For Something Undone72
104.A Sign72
105.Asking the Way73
106.Ten Years Younger74
107.The Shape of the Earth74
108.My Feet Won't Fit75
109.A Piece of Advice75
110.On and Off76
111.An English Boy in Spain76
112.The Farmhand and the Landlord77
113.Shouting His Prayers78
114.Who Is the Printer?79
115.A Man in My Bed80
116.Don't Worry81
119.A Gift83
120.The Products83
121.I Really Had to84
122.Take a Chance85
123.The Colour of the Traffic-lights85
124.A Barking Dog Does Not Bite86
125.The Stranger and the Schoolmaster87
126.I Wasn't Listening88
127.A Fly in the Soup89
128.Not Necessary89
131.Ladies First91
132.The Subject of My Essay91
133.Please Kick!92
134.I Used Them to Patch the Hole92
135.I Don't Have the Time93
136.Cut the Legs off the Bed94
137.An Evidence95
138.The Plural of Child95
139.Fools Multiply Fast96
140.Necessary Hole96
141.They've Done Their Best97
142.A Proof97
143.You Must Have a Walking Stick98
144.What's His Number?99
145.At the End100
146.Wonderful Machine100
147.The Fool101
148.Three and Three Hundred101
149.They Know Everything102
150.The Way to the Hospital102
151.The New Teacher103
152.Clever or Stupid?103
153.A Polite Horse104
154.Nothing to Nothing105
155.At the Barber's105
156.Training a Dog to Bark106
157.The Man Running after the Bus106
159.I Don't Hope You'll Be Late108
160.Who Is He?108
161.Wife and Dog109
163.White Hair110
164.A Nickel and Two Dimes111
165.This Is Some Foolish Person111
166.A Pair of Wrong Shoes112
167.How Many Lights Were There?113
168.Better Sold than Given114
169.Answering the Phone115
170.Two Vagrants115
171.On the Field of Battle116
172.They Never Stop116
173.That Will Cost Me More117
174.Brilliant Opinion118
175.Boy and Grown-up118
176.Dense Fog119
177.I'm Not Having It All Cut Off120
178.Who Shall I Blame?121
179.On Shooting121
180.Saying Good-bye122
181.Husband and Son123
182.Which of You Hears Me First?124
183.The Rich and the Learned125
184.The Float125
185.Whom Do You Believe?126
186.Who Is Fooled?127
187.The Cat That Caused a Wedding127
188.Did You Hear128
189.I'd Better Come Later129
190.What Happened in 1812?129
191.Who Was the First Man?130
192.A Call130
193.The Sheep and the Money131
194.The Pen132
195.A Forgetful Man132
196.What If He Does No Wrong Again?133
197.Who Is a Miser?133
198.Joe Richards'Birthday134
199.How Much Is This One?135
200.The Present136
201.If I Was in It137
202.Who Cheated?138
203.The Dumb Speaks139
204.Two Trips140
205.Go through the Monkey Mountain141
206.Too Clever142
207.A Dance Teacher143
208.We Have Caught Three of Them144
209.Offer Choice145
211.May I Look at the Book Again?146
212.At the Box Office147
213.The Call of the Child147
214.An Apple and an Onion148
215.Flying Age148
216.He Didn't Notice It149
217.The Bathroom Singer149
218.A Sad Story150
219.My Horse Eats Fish151
220.Quick Thinking152
221.That's Easy153
222.Mark Twain and the Old Man154
223.The Closest Answer155
224.The Woman Knew Everything155
225.The Carter's Light158
226.100 Percent159
227.What Do You Eat First?160
228.Why Be Fired?160
229.A Good Guesser161
230.What Is It Made from?161
231.All Changed162
234.A History Examination164
235.A Grazing Cow164
236.Tit for Tat165
237.The Shopkeeper's Journey165
238.Mr.Baker In Trouble?169
239.Poor Sidney171
240.Saving Up for Shoes174
242.The First Things to Do176
243.The Most Obedient176
244.For the Owner177
245.Six or Eleven178
246.A Strange Place178
247.The Secret of Success179
248.A Bargain180
249.A Considerate Son180
250.Not for a Fight181
251.An Expensive Idea182
252.Qualified or Not183
253.The Embarrassing Surname184
254.A Long—cherished Wish184
255.Not for This185
256.The Hint186
257.No Hoe186
258.I Just Keep Seeing My Daddy!187
259.Different Times188
260.The Preacher and the Snorer188
261.The Secret of Long Life189
262.How Much More Do I Owe You?190
263.Branch office191
264.You've Hit It191
265.Is Your Wife Home Now?192
266.The Front Door193
267.Too Late193
268.It's Closed194
269.In an Awkward Situation195
270.To Make a Good Impression195
272.At a Dry Cleaner's197
273.A Trick That Never Fails197
274.She's on the Roof198
275.A Bad Foot199
276.How Could I Answer?200
277.Dig a Bigger Hole at the Bottom201
278.In a Maths Class202
279.My Father Wouldn't Like That202
280.Many Things in Common203
281.At Your Service203
282.How Much Is It?204
283.Taken for a Ride205
284.Jack Didn't Know Napoleon Was Ill206
285.A Shave or a Haircut?207
286.It's Unfair208
287.A Pretty Carpet208
288.I'm Qualified at Last209
289.Just Helpless210
290.How Did I Get Up Here?211
291.The First Volunteer212
292.On a Train213
293.The Letter-box Key214
294.Saving and Moan215
295.Somebody with Imagination216
296.Money Problem217
297.A Note218
298.What Had He Been Smuggling?219
299.A Lucky Day220
300.It's Terribly Noisy Down Stairs221
301.It's Not Worthwhile to Do So222
302.Asking for Trouble223
303.Whose Fault224
304.Sweet Wine225
306.He Couldn't Swim the Atlantic227
307.A Clear Conscience228
308.The Loss Outweighs the Gain229
309. Always Have to Stand230
311.A Dentist and a Patient231
312.Loving Couples232
313.An Imaginative Wife232
314.Not Even a Minute233
316.Really Worried235
317.Illegible Writing235
319.Tom Wanted to Buy Reading237
320.A Sly Parrot238
321.A Forgetful Actor239
322.Seeing a Doctor240
323.Herman's Trouble240
324.A Mural241
325.An Avid Football Fan or Not242
326.Women Live Longer Than Men243
327.Being in Bank or Zoo243
328.An Unexcepted Gift244
329.A Wonderful Computer Scale245
330.A Witty Reply246
331.Marking the Spot246
332.No Escape247
333.A Birthday Present249
334.Here I Am Again250
335.I Never Listen251
336.A Clever Painter252
337.A Pair of Odd Shoes253
338.Everything But the Door Is There254
339.Drinking for My Friend255
340.Ask for a Job256
342.You Might Have Forgotten257
343.It's Mother Who Broke It258
344.Hat Off258
345.The Bull's Milk259
346.A Drinker's Success261
347.He Looks like a Monkey262
348.Churchill and His Speech263
349.A Friend to My House264
350.Two Sailors265
351.A Driver at the Court266
352.The Rich Man's Sons267
353.April Fool269
354.Aren't You His Father?270
355.Fully Prepared271
356.That's My Bag271
357.It Couldn't Be Worse272
358.A Boy in the Letter-box273
359.Older Hair273
361.A Disappointing Visit274
362."On Time"Person275
363.Taking a Taxi276
364.Passage Six276
365.Something Really Special277
366.15 Years Earlier278
367.Unexpected Resort279
368.A Fire279
369.A Fall280
370.Little Anthony281
371.A Holiday281
372.Amercian Way of Lifev282
373.What's the Matter with You?282
374.What's the Matter?283
375.Only Men's Clothes in the Shop284
376.Poor Daddy!284
377.Driving a Car285
378.My Name Is Stonebreaker285
379.The Naughty Monkey286
380.What Are You Crying about?287
381.A Silly Rabbit288
382.My Husbands's Bones Are in the Box289
383.Do You Have Something Cheaper?290
384.It Must Be a Very Good Business291
385.In a Train Car292
386.The Coffee-pot Isn't Lost293
387.That's All She Needs293
388.The Pure Water294
390.The Priest and the Taxi-driver296
391.A Tourist297
392.Trouble with Nose and Ears298
393.Such a Musical Voice299
394.Train Yourself to Be Patient300
395.The Lawyer's Trick301
396.Sock Exchange302
397.Have a Bath302
398.The Signature303
399.What was the Man's Crime?303
400.Old Master304
401.A Strange Will305
402.A 650-pound Cook306
404.The Absent-minded Professor308
405.The King and His Bag of Gold309
406.Nothing to It310
408.Waiting to Make a Phone Call312
409.Something Must Be Right312
410.I Used to Be like You313
411.Anybody Loses a Half-dollar?313
412.Please Identify Yourself314
413.Wait Until315
414.The Sad Clown315
415.A Good Friend317
416.Only One Honest Way317
417.What Happened to His Grandfather?318
418.Tit for Tat319
419.A Silly Boy320
420.Use Your"And"321
421.I Cannot Remember Anything322
422.Sold Out323
423.I Have Faith in the Lord324
424.Can You Figure It Out?325
425.The Effect326
426.Singing or Crack?327
427.Such a Forgetful Couple328
428.A Handwriting Expert329
429.Spread Flour on a Rope330
430.The Man of Great Importance332
431.The New World333
432.Oh,That Garden!336
433.A Broken Vase339
Key to Exercises342
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